As of December 2020 we have raised: £11,414.60 and are fund raising again in 2021 with the launch of our new children's book!
The TV programme about Great Ormond Street Hospital in 2015 highlighted what the hospital does. The ups and the unfortunate downs, the nurses, doctors and surgeons. The new methods they are using and the emotions of all that work there and visit there.
I always say go and sit in the reception of Great Ormond Street for half an hour - it opens your eyes to what this place does, what the parents do and what amazing children go through those doors. Every parent who has been there knows the beeps and the sounds of the hospital and when you hear those again, it brings back emotions and memories.
Each year in November / December we collect an amazing amount of toys for the children of Great Ormond Street Hospital from the public. We have also raised money to change into meal vouchers at a local restaurant near the hospital. This enables the parents of GOSH to have a good hot meal during their difficult time.
The children's faces are unbelievable when we deliver the toys. The nurses cant quite believe it as the trolley of toys are wheeled in. It feels amazing to do and I hope you have all heard all our thank you's over the years.
In December 2014 we had a fun chairty swim at our Woodside Park pool. This raised money for the hot meals again. Every bed in the Badger Ward were able to get 2 meals.
In 2016 raised money for the new respitorary ward and the parents accomodation based at the hospital. We held a dinner dance on Saturday 19th November.
In 2020 and most likely 2021 due to Covid, we are not being able to run our normal events to raise funds for this great place. So Jenson (why this all started for us!) along with a little help(!) has written a children's book about a subject we know well! The book is £5 and all profits go the GOSH. The books can be purchased at the pools
Thank you for your support in any way that you can.
If you would like any further news or would like to contribute in any way please email us on:
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100 Oakleigh Road North
N20 9EZ
Tel: 020 8445 1911 option 1
On the grounds of Frith Manor School
Lullington Garth
Woodside Park
N12 7BN
Tel: 0208 445 1911 option 2